Blue Light Transilluminators for gel viewing – what types of stain can be used?
A Blue light LED transilluminator offers many advantages to today’s life science researchers. Blue light is safer to use than ultraviolet (UV) excitation, which is traditionally used in the laboratory. As such, researchers do not need to be at risk for burning their skin or eyes if they did not take precautions to work with […]
Blue Light Transilluminator – To Wear Amber Glasses or Not Wear Amber Glasses?
A Blue light box offers advantages over UV transilluminators when viewing and cutting DNA gels and protein gels. They are safer to use and do not not have the risk of a burn to eyes or skin from exposure to UV. They also do not damage DNA, a risk inherent with the use of a UV transilluminators. […]
Blue Light LED Transilluminator – Syngene's innovative UltraBright system!
Offers Exceptional Imaging of Fluorescent DNA Gels without Compromising Safety Syngene, a world-leading manufacturer of image analysis solutions, today introduced the UltraBright-LED transilluminator, a new generation of blue light transilluminator designed for safely imaging fluorescently labeled gels (up to 20cm x 16cm) on the bench or inside Syngene G:BOX imaging systems. The UltraBright-LED uses two high intensity […]